Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Aoba: Fireworks

July 4th is right around the corner, those going to play with fireworks please be careful and have fun ;D
Series: DMMD, Dramatical Murder  Character: Aoba Seragaki  Cosplay: Hushy Plushy
When i was around seven it was my 1st time playing with fireworks. Also my last time playing with fireworks. There was two reason for this decision.

1. I think it wasn't really legal to play with fireworks in China due to a lot of fire incidents every holiday.
2. That one time i was playing with fireworks i was too close to it and it blow up right in front of my right ear (made my ear ring and all that good stuff!) Even though i can hear fine from both of my ears I do think my right ear is the weaker ear.

So i decided it's ok i don't have to play with fireworks xD