Monday, November 28, 2016

Squall: Have a great Monday!

Aw, Holidays are over.

Picture to the left:
Series, Final Fantasy
Character, Squall Leonhart

Cosplayer, Hushy Plushy

Thanks for letting me know what food would be going on for Christmas, I will try to find some ham this year ;D

I am currently in to a Chinese Anime called Twin Spirit Detectives. 

At the beginning I thought it was just about different cases, sort of like Conan. But, by eps 12 or so the story line became more clear and I realized it's more disturbing than i thought. I wish the villain in this anime gets what he deserve.

Without spoilers I won't be able to say much but If i was to rate this anime; the over all enjoy moment would be 9/10 mainly because each ending of an eps is a huge cliff hanger which made me must continue and that is how I marathon the whole thing.